Talking about the future can be problematic, because many aspects of life are unpredictable. That said, the subject matter for one book is already prescribed.
Many have strongly encouraged Dr. Jackson to write a book about how his Dad was born into a family in rural Japan, but ended up serving the allied forces during the Second World War. Although his family was of Samurai lineage, like many other Japanese in the 1930's, they were pro-west prior to the outbreak of WW II. Therefore, his father sent him to an American missionary school in Tokyo, rather than having his son be engulfed in the rising and pervasive military takeover.
A good friend recently told Dr. Jackson that he very much looked forward to reading Survival. However, it was essential that the the Dr. Jackson told his Dad's story, because it was a significant untold story, which covered aspects of the war that were not common knowledge.
Dr. Jackson's friend promised to hound him until the second book was penned and published.
"Any pursuit to discover your roots is addictive, but rewarding. Using my Dad's papers as the springboard, I performed detailed research in the national archives on both sides of the Atlantic. This allowed reconstruction of a relatively precise timeline for my Dad's service and escapes. One particularly poignant moment came when I blew off the dust from a folder from the recently declassified wartime records in the United Kingdom's National Archives. As I carefully turned the pages of this treasure of historical records, I was transfixed by the words on a page that was brown around the edges. I saw my Dad's weekly broadcasting schedule in New Delhi. After narrowly escaping from Shanghai, and from Singapore, he was assigned to the British Foreign Office at South East Asia Command's GHQ."
Dr. Jackson