An Easy Read
Roy H:
"I have never been an avid reader. I became so absorbed that I read over half-way through on my train trip to London,
and finished the book on my return trip. I enjoyed it, and found it a very easy read."
Dr. Glenn:
"Your book is just fantastic. Your approach makes the reading all the more interesting."
Mike P:
"I read your entire book in two evenings - it was so compelling."
Paul C:
"You write very well, Gordon. Very."
Rector Jeunée:
"You do a great job of sharing your family history and your history in an easy-to-read style that engages the reader."
Ashley W:
"Your book is very well written."
Synonyms for experiences:
Clear; Concise; Direct; Engaging; Insightful; Readable; Short; Straightforward