Chapter 15: Stepping Stones Chapter 15: Stepping Stones


Josh H:
 "I feel very inspired and reminded that life is a journey and that it has many twists and turns."
Mike P:
 "Very inspiring and relevant."
Rector Jeunée:
 "I believe that your message of hope through trial is one that many people need to hear. Very inspirational."
 "My husband shared the book with a fellow worker who faced layoff at their cold storage plant. After reading the book his friend said that he had regained hope that things would work out."
Jack L:
 "Very uplifting and insightful. Would make a great small group study. Get one for anyone you know that needs encouragement."
Paul B:
 "HR departments should give this book to anyone facing a layoff."
Synonyms for reader experiences:
 Attitude adjusting; Beneficial; Encouraging; Enriching; Focus repositioning; Helping; Hope-giving; Instructive; Mindset altering; Nurturing; Peace imparting; Perspective-changing; Rejuvenating; Renewing; Restoring; Revitalizing; Transforming; Uplifting

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